Results from One Month at Bouncelimit

So how many times have you heard me (or anyone) say they're going to start being fit, but then totally give up after like a month? I get it - I've been through the yoyo-ing phase and got stuck at the top. But if you follow me on Instagram (#helloabellabounces), you may have realised that I have started the healthy routine again.Before you brush this off as being a sponsored post, even though it is, I just want to be honest with you. This is my chance to get healthy and jump (couldn't resist....) into what hopefully will become a lifelong habit of relatively well-behaved eating and regular exercising of some sorts. It's been a month now and I just wanted to check in with my process + results. So.... see this as a review. Or not. Up to you.

What went down?

Basically I told the lovely Megan at BounceLimit that I wanted to TRANSFORM. Not just do a few #sponsored posts on Instagram, but fully watch and follow my progress because that's what matters. So I got measured. And got told that I will ease into a program of regular and multiple classes a week along with a mindful diet.For the first month, I had to go to two classes a week: Pilates and Beginners. No diet watch yet.

How are the classes?

I usually go for the Wednesday 7am class and one of the Saturday afternoon ones. The 7am ones are brutal because I'm up and out by 6:30am. But morning classes to me, are the most rewarding ones because you get it out of the way when your body is sorta too tired to even feel pain, and then you're golden for the rest of the day.Rebounding (the technical term for mini-trampolining) isn't just jump all you want. It is a lot of control, and when you're trying to do different actions while using your core and legs and hands and back, it could get overwhelming. But is it fun? HELL YEAH!When I went to my first class I almost died. But after the mindfu*k that was the first class, you slowly get into the groove, and by groove I mean how to balance and jump side to side while rotating your arms etc., and it's all painfully fun after that. Plus I use to spin, love group classes and hate boring things (adhd hands up!) so bouncing to top of the pops puts this right up there for me.Usually for a beginners class it's a mix of mostly cardio and some core exercises. It introduces you to the basic technique and gives you a taste of what it feels like to "ski" or "clown" around on a rebounder. Spoiler alert, it's not like a trampoline park.BTW, running on a rebounder is (insert number I forgot, either 3 or 6 times?) better and more effective than running on the ground. Oh and it doesn't have as much pressure on your joints. I only care about the first part because I hate running with a passion.Also, if you want to try a free class, let me know! I'll hook my fam up.bouncelimit hong kong

Did I lose weight though?

I don't know? Because weight isn't the goal here. It's about getting fit, feeling better about myself and my life, and having a mind and body balance.But hey, I did get measured again just in case. I lost inches in my waist and glutes. But that's not what's the most important thing for me. Check out my posture below!Bouncelimit before and afterLOOK AT THIS. Even though my first shirt made me look preggos, yes, but my posture is so much better. My measurements tell me muscles on both sides are balancing out, and because I'm more mindful of my posture, my shoulders no longer rolls over as much or tilts to one side.Why is it a huge thing? I use to wear my bag on the right side only and I get huge pains with the unevenness. My right shoulder muscles were bigger and tighter and always in pain. With better mindfulness and exercises that work out minute muscles in my body, I was able to start correct these horrendous postures and pains.PS, PM me if you want a trick to both work out your abs all day and make your stomach look smaller ;)


So if you want to cheer me on or watch me keep on keeping on, please do follow me on the 'gram and leave me a comment! I would love to hear from you. This journey will be 3 months long at least (if not longer), so please show this sista some looooove. I will also be writing my review for the NOSH meal plan next, so stay chooned.Maybe one day I'll take one of those sports bra only after photos. Who knows eh.

Till then, remember to recycle!xx


NOSH Meal Plan Review (Self-paid)


Benefit They're Real Double The Lip Lipstick Swatches + Review