The Golden Child,


maishastripes_2maishastripes_3Oh hello hello! Finally back dong what I do best - or well, what I did in the beginning I guess. If you haven't followed me since the beginning, you're lucky because you have missed some pretty bad outfit posts, as well as my journey which led me to grow two sizes...Sad facts aside, helloabella is finally collaborating with one of HK's best local designer Maisha Concept again.

Read it: Throwback to the first collab if you still haven't seen it

I was a lot younger, thinner, less jaded... ha but such is life! But Maisha on the other hand, have turned nothing but more stylish, bold and original.maishastripes_1maishastripes_5

Wearing: Maisha Concept's Riviera Shirt Dress, Rayban sunnies, I.T. shoes from the Tung Chung outlet

So what is this?

If you aren't familiar, Maisha Concept is a brand created by the talented Rakhee Shah (now a mother of an adorable baby girl!!). Since 2012, she's been creating designs inspired by African culture and fabrics, giving birth to practical but also unique pieces that you just can't find anywhere else.Plus points for accommodating to girls of all sizes! *yay*maishastripes_4I absolutely love love love original pieces that aren't just made for cardboard people (sorry girls), but also isn't just an oversized pillowcase made to cover your shame and self-doubt.Trust me, look into the brand.Anyway, next up I'll have a couple more Maisha outfits, and I'll also explain why in some photos I look like I fought a druggie/that scar on my arm.P.S. Guess who did the photography? YUP - the real golden child, Gabrielle Salonga. Makeup on fleek by Tiffany!

So till then,xx

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