HIT with Torq Cycle (week 3)


Hey ladies and gents! I know the week 3 and final week with Torq Cycle report has been missing, and I apologise! But I hope you enjoy this post even more on the new layout. I've been working out at Torq Cycle for a month now, and every step of the way I've felt stronger and more motivated to continue being fit. I've also lost 7 pounds and counting. Want to know what keeps me going? Here's a little review of all the classes I've taken and some tips on which are suitable for you.torq cycle bikes

TORQBody - the most regular of the lot, with 50 full minutes on bike and one weight track in the middle. You ride it out to different intervals, speeds and resistance and I feel like this class would suit any and all levels of fitness. (I love Loretta's class best! Super zen and makes me feel so good and balanced!)

TORQCore - Half and half on/off bike workout, another full 50 minute class with around 15-20 minutes of exercises focused on working on the core/abs/packs/love handles. It's my fave class because it not only fits riding and weight track into the workout, but lets me work on the part that needs it most - my fat belly.

TORQdeHK - 50 minutes of full-on riding, this one is for the imaginative. You get to ride along to cycling videos. (But for the classes I attended, we actually had no video and relied on the awesome instructor Kelvin's verbal descriptions of roads in Hong Kong - pretty cool I would say)

TORQSuffer - Enter the sufferlandrians! As the name suggests, in a short 50 minutes, you enter a virtual cycling contest repping Sufferland - a land for people who enjoys suffering cycling. Intervals, climbs, sprints, you name it. You're pretty much in it to get shouted at... and I won't lie, but it actually feels pretty great!

TORQcore class indoor spinning central

TORQHiT - TRX, interval exercises, biking, weight, all things tough enough to make you cry has somehow been put into a hardcore 45 minute session. This was probably one of the toughest class I did at TORQ, but also the one that made me the strongest. It's a small class so you get to really focus on working on the exercises and pushing yourself past your limits! (also succumb to peer pressure and actually do more than you ever expect yourself to do) I pretty much died at my first class, but you know that feeling of rush you get when you are on a rollercoaster and is scared sh*tless yet you wanna go again? That's the feeling I have for this class.

TORQVibe - Put your hands up, cause beats are about to get dropped. Jennie's Vibe class is upbeat, happy and fun to go to. I find it much easier when you're having fun to go through 50 minutes of workout, and this definitely feels more like karaoke on a bike than actual exercising!

TORQ90 - 90 minutes of riding for all the exercise junkies, 'nuff said?! (double up with another TORQBody class right after if you're lusting for more... Apparently it's humanly possible and even popular?!! )

TORQTurbo - This stands on the other end of the spectrum for being only 35 mins long - best of the busy ladies and gents of the bustling city. Mostly held during lunch time, it's a great way for you to fit in a workout during a busy day.

My ultimate fave? TORQCore & TORQVibe! Let me know which is your fave, and seriously, let's go together sometime?!

Till next time,xx

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