Putting the words back in blogging

Welcome to a new era of LWB, one where there’s a lot less focus on visuals. I think we do enough of that on all the other social media platforms. This blog has been through a lot with me, and with a new move to Squarespace (goodbye clunky Wordpress!), I chose a template that reflected my intentions for this space. One where words came first, where thoughts flow and creativity can flourish without the need to snap a moody header image to go with it. Don’t worry, I’m still a sucker for moody aesthetics, but I’ll try to leave that for Instagram.

Since the last post, a lot has changed in my life. I fell into entrepreneurship as a social media strategist who moves crystals on the side. I work out (a lot more, then a lot less), I try out mindful things, and most of all, I feel completely different about myself. They say when you’re in your mid-twenties you become a different person every year. And for me it has definitely felt like that. But striding towards the big 3, it feels like every step is taken with more clarity. And I’m so into that.

Some central issues remain the same: body image, anxiety, ADHD, etc. I’m working through them, combing through difficult thoughts and walking through dark fears and dizzying buried traumas. But the past covid months especially, like every other person on this planet, I’ve learnt to slow down.

What does slowing down mean exactly? I suppose it’s different from person to person. For me, it’s working less. It’s a lot to do with being OK with working less (i.e. having less income). It is being able to let go of money to the right things rather than binge shopping. It is examining my relationships with people, things, myself. I found in me a terrified little girl. Isn’t that strange? I went more into depth about my recent experience with psychotherapy on Instagram, but I realised there was a lot of parental trauma I did not even scrape the surface of. It led me to many tearful moments, but even more clarity and joy.

My life now shifts around joy, exploration and treading unknown waters without a tether. To live boldly. To listen to myself. To wake up slow and work at my own pace. Indeed, the universe answers to your heart’s calls — and I’m so glad I’ve gone through the depths of the past year to know what is important, what brings joy.

I’m sure life will look different in a few weeks, months, years’ time. But I’m excited, even comforted to know I have a space to come back to — this time without a care about who reads it, how many followers I have, or what thumb-stopping image I’ve got to use. It feels nice to write without restraint, to make space for my thoughts and emotions. It feels good to be home.


A break well deserved


Hair Routine Update: One year of Curly Girl Method