The One Habit I Learnt That Changed How I Live


Hey guys, I'm going to skip the whole new year's resolution thing because I think there are more than enough blog posts about that. Instead, I'm going to tell you about the most important thing I learnt to do last year, and that it has benefitted me on many occasions.For friends that know me, you'll know that I'm slightly ADHD, with a tendency to be very scatter-brained and forgetful. I can also be very impatient and sometimes let my emotions control my actions without really thinking about it twice.

Spoiler alert: the deep breaths and count to ten thing DOES NOT WORK.

I've been trying to get my life into order, and though bullet journaling and exercising did not work out (YET...), I've actually learnt to meditate accidentally. Whaaaat?


Personally, I started with apps because I'm on my phone 24/7 and I find it so convenient to have it with me on the go. I tried Headspace, but landed with Simple Habits (not an ad).  I was surprised to find all sorts of use for meditation, even curing colds and training your EQ.It lets you meditate for intervals of 5, 10 or 15 minutes, and there are different audio meditations for different situations. I've benefitted especially from the introductions, waiting/in transit, frustration, and deep sleep. It has simple instructions and soothing music, which worked better for me than free tutorials on Youtube (which also cost more data when you're streaming).After using the app for a few weeks though, I've decided to ditch the paid subscription (not a must - you can use some parts of the app for free) after I learnt a few basic tricks and decided it was downloading too much data still, even if it was just audio. Guess I was using it too much lol.


Basically, it's about focusing on your breathing. It's about learning to calm your mind, notice your thoughts and feelings, and keep them managed and gain clarity. I know I sound very hippy dippy, but trust me, it has done wonders for helping me focus.The EASIEST way I can explain it is: You sit in a comfortable position (I've even tried walking), focus your sight on something and start to *space out*. By spacing out, I mean starting listening and narrating your breathing - in through your nose, out through your mouth. Check out this cool video from Huffpost explaining it:Once you start doing that, you'll start to see that your mind only has focus on that. I also slowly repeat the mantra once I've focused on my breathing - "Allow things to be as they are, right now, in this moment."This has helped me especially when I've been in a pickle, felt frustrated, angry, short of patience or tired. When I need to relax, I focus on my body, part by part, and focus on any sensations or tenseness I'm feeling, then I continue to breathe deeply and release my thoughts and tightness.

What it did to me...

You know, I'm no professional in any shape or form. But if you find yourself needing a peace of mind or just new ways to focus or relax, I definitely recommend trying to be more mindful - it's even recommended by your iPhone. (don't believe me? Check out the mindfulness section in your Health app.) It also helped with self-reflections and better control of my emotions and impulses.If you have a major short attention span like I do, you might think you'll give it up before you start. But try it! Try it anyway and see where it takes you. *insert life quote* But then again what do I know. I started wearing crystals. :P

Let me know how it goes for you! I'd love to know.

As always, beautiful photography by Gabrielle Salonga. 

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